Damiana (Turnera Diffusa) 20g


Shipping to Europe: Shipping is guaranted 3-5 working days.

Damiana (Turnera Diffusa) has a relaxing and euphoric effect that lasts 1–2 hours after consuming it.
As its Latin name suggests, it is a mild but effective aphrodisiac.
Damiana can be smoked or infused into a tea, and the shredded version is also suitable for vaping.


Damiana is a small plant that grows in the southern United States and most of South America and is believed to have been used by the Mayan people for centuries as a tonic and aphrodisiac. It is still used as an ingredient in voodoo love rituals. Before Prohibition, the inventor of Coca-Cola developed a wine containing coca, cola, sweet wine and damiana.


Mix three tablespoons of Damiana powder in half a liter (one pint) of water to obtain a simple but effective infusion.


The active ingredient of Damiana is its volatile oil which contains tannins, resins and terpenes.

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